This week has seen Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems limit the damage caused by fire in two separate incidents.

A retail premises in Ilkeston, Derbyshire suffered a fire in their warehouse area, the cause of which is still unknown. After early alarm was raised by the Fire Detection System the Fire Sprinkler System automatically activated, controlling the size and intensity of the fire. The shop’s owner, Kieron Armstrong, is quoted as saying  “It would have been an absolute catastrophe if it wasn’t for the sprinkler system, the building could have been ruined.”

In Coventry, fire sprinklers were again active; this time at a plastics factory in Coventry. The local fire station commander Sean Moore said of the fire: “It was quite intensive. There was lots of smoke outside. The fact that they had a sprinkler system fitted in the production area was what kept it to a relatively small, intensive fire. If that hadn’t been fitted it would have spread, without a doubt.”

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